Today there was some chaos in Seattle. My Mom lives less then five minutes away from where todays chaos happened and saw all of this while driving down I-5. Now I was born and raised in Seattle and in 25 years I never had a problem driving threw rain, snow, slush, or sleet, and I know the streets to avoid... but some people just have no clue (or luck). To give you an idea of the area, imagine a miniature version of SanFransisco and you have Seattle. Now what Californian in there right mind would drive down one of those steep S.F. hills on a snowy, icy day? Most Seattlites know better, but today two charter bus drivers in Seattle decided it would be a good idea to take a short-cut down one of Seattle's steep hills with a bus full of teens.
Looks like that didn't work...

"..."I'm right by the driver and he turns on this road that's too steep, and everyone is saying, 'don't go down. That road it's too steep. There's fish-tail tracks,"' said Tamera Vasquez. "And he still goes down, straight down."
"And we are like sliding down the hill, people are like 'whoaa...' People can see it coming. Next thing we know we slammed into the guard rail," said Stephanie Jackson.
By the time the first bus stopped, its front end and front wheels were dangling suspended about 30 feet above the freeway..."
"...And just as people began to flee, another bus came sliding down the road.
"He kind of wheeled it to the left a little bit, then the corner of the bus hit the other bus," said Zachary Blackburn..."

"And we are like sliding down the hill, people are like 'whoaa...' People can see it coming. Next thing we know we slammed into the guard rail," said Stephanie Jackson.
By the time the first bus stopped, its front end and front wheels were dangling suspended about 30 feet above the freeway..."
"...And just as people began to flee, another bus came sliding down the road.
"He kind of wheeled it to the left a little bit, then the corner of the bus hit the other bus," said Zachary Blackburn..."

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